Building modern, sustainable and profitable SMEs in Ukraine

Through loans and grants, the EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line supports a wide range of projects that increase the competitiveness and capacity of Ukraine´s SMEs in the EU as well as in their home markets

Align with EU Directives through smart investments, unlock access to EU markets and increase your export capacity
Prioritize investments in Green Technologies for responsible environmental performance, cost reduction and receive a higher investment incentive
Additional incentives available for the reconstruction and recovery of severely war-affected MSMEs and those supporting the re-integration of war veterans and war-affected persons

What is the EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line?

    • A joint initiative of EU and EBRD that helps Ukrainian SMEs finance investments in equipment and facility upgrades.
    • A programme that combines loan/leasing finance, free technical assistance and investment incentives financed under the EU4Business initiative.
    • An initiative designed to support Ukraine’s SMEs align their businesses with EU Directives and increase their product/service quality and enhance their environmental responsibility.
    • A facility that supports open market access for DCFTA countries like Ukraine and enabling SMEs to improve their competitiveness.
    • A mechanism for Ukrainian businesses to increase their export potential and use their relatively low cost base to compete successfully with other companies in the large EU and regional markets. 

Flexible Programme – 3 Project Types

The process for simple equipment upgrade investments up to €300,000, based on our Green Technology Selector (GTS) or our List of Eligible Technologies (LET). Successfully verified projects receive an investment incentive of up to 10%.

The fast track process for SPS and food safety investments up to €300,000. Investments in conventional (non-green) technologies receive an investment incentive of up to 10% and up to 15% for green technologies.

For large and/or complex investment projects up to €3 million for almost any business in almost any sector. Investments in conventional (non-green) technologies receive an investment incentive of up to 10% and up to 15% for green technologies.

Who can Apply?

Ukrainian companies that are:

    • At least 51% privately owned and privately run
    • Operating in a sector that can be open to export
    • Registered in Ukraine, operating primarily in Ukraine, and operating in accordance with the laws of Ukraine
    • SMEs as per EU definition (fewer than 250 employees and a turnover of less than €50 M or less than €43 M of total Balance sheet, not more than 25% by shareholders that exceed the SME criteria), and/or
    • Classified as Individual entrepreneurs or sole proprietors
    • Meeting the usual financing appraisal criteria of a Partner Financial Institution
    • In compliance with the EBRD’s Environmental and Social Policy

Key Benefits for MSMEs

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