Cutting Edge Technology Advancements in Western Ukraine

ARM-EKO LLC was founded on June 21, 2004 as a research and production company for the design, construction and operation of sewage treatment plants. At the end of 2004, the company also began importing equipment for catering and commercial kitchens. Then, as a first company in Ukraine, ARM-EKO developed and manufactured prototypes of electric meat grinders of European quality and design for catering establishments, including kitchens in educational institutions (kindergartens, schools and boarding schools). This equipment has gone into serial production by now. With these developments, ARM-EKO represents the revival of domestic equipment production, recapturing market share from importers whilst starting a modest export business. All technical developments of ARM-EKO are patented for industrial designs. Since 2006, ARM-EKO has been supplying elevators and spare parts to Ukraine. At the beginning of 2008, the company received a permit from the Territorial Department of the State Committee for Mountain Supervision in Rivne region to perform high-risk work for installation, commissioning and maintenance of elevators and now services elevators in Rivne with spare parts and elevator components produced by the company in the Western region of Ukraine.

To improve its product quality and the safety of its production processes, the company invested in a Laser cutting system with and a system for laser cutting of pipes, financed by a loan under the EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line.

After the successful implementation and verification of this project, the company received 15% of the loan value as a grant incentive, funded under the EU4Business initiative of the European Union.

With the investment, the company now meets a wide variety of European standards, including:

  • Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast),
  • Directive 2009/125/ establishing a framework for the setting of Eco-design requirements for energy-related products (recast)
Loan Amount € 623,493
Grant amount € 93,524
Invested in TRUMPF Laser cutting system with TruLaser 1030 fiber L94 TRUMPF System for laser cutting of pipes and TruLaser Tube 3000 fiber T10
EU Directives met Product quality and safety, Health and Safety of workers and environmental protection
Energy Savings and GHG reduction 20.5 MWh/y 3.5 tCO2/y
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