Quality Wood and other Processing for Decorative as well as Utility Materials

The company “DSP PLUS” began its activity in 2008 and is engaged in the sale of furniture components (plates, facades, fittings, sliding systems, etc.), and also provides related services for processing plates, kitchen countertops, frame profiles, etc. The range of goods sold by the borrower is very wide and includes: OSB, fiberboard, chipboard, MDF, plywood, facades of various manufacturers, worktops, profiles, furniture fittings, kitchen appliances, etc., which allows to meet the needs of the most demanding buyer.

To meet the increasing demands for quality products, the company invested in new processing machinery, using the fast and easy LET process. This is a list of pre-approved equipment that can be found on the website of the EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line.  As the machine required by the company was on the list, the credit process was fast and easy.

The new machinery is more efficient in its energy use in comparison to the old one. In addition, the new equipment offers better work protection for operators.

After the successful implementation and verification of this project, the company received 10% of the loan value as a grant incentive, funded under the EU4Business initiative of the European Union.

With the investment, the company now meets a wide variety of European standards, including:

  • Directive 2006/42/EC on machinery, and amending Directive 95/16/EC (recast),
  • Directive 2009/125/ establishing a framework for the setting of Eco-design requirements for energy-related products (recast)
  • Directive 2009/104/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 September 2009 concerning the minimum safety and health requirements for the use of work equipment by workers at work


Loan Amount € 112,979
Grant amount € 11,298
Invested inProcessing Equipment
EU Directives met Product quality and safety, environmental protection
Resource Savings and GHG reduction 155.94 MWh/y 24.38 tCO2/y
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