Sustainable Farming in Ukraine

“Druzhba” Agricultural LLC is an agricultural enterprise set up in 1997. The main activity of the company is growing of winter wheat, sunflower, maize, soy and other cereals. It employs 76 people and tills over 2.6 thousand ha of the arable land. The company carries out the full cycle of growing crops, from soil tilling to threshing using its own agricultural machinery.

“Druzhba” Agricultural LLC supplies its produce to wholesale buyers. The main clients of the company are located in Ukraine. In 2021 sales of the company exceeded UAH 100.0 million.

To improve its product quality and its environmental sustainability, the company invested in a complex irrigation system.

There are many benefits of sophisticated crop irrigation. The most obvious one is the increase in yield. However, sophisticated irrigation also increases the flexibility of operations, ensures higher quality output, reduces or eliminates crop damages caused by water stress, lengthening of the growing season and practically acts as an insurance against seasonal variability and droughts.

In addition to these benefits to the farm (and its clients), this type of irrigation also saves a lot of water, enhancing the environmental sustainability of agricultural activities.

After the successful implementation and verification of this project, the company received 15% of the loan value as a grant incentive, funded under the EU4Business initiative of the European Union.

With the investment, the company now meets a wide variety of European standards, including:

  • Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy
Loan Amount € 1,028,669
Grant amount € 128,584
Invested inReinke Irrigation Systems
EU Directives met Product quality and safety, environmental protection
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