A Loan or a Lease cannot be utilized for the purpose of financing any of the following:
- A sub-borrower must not be a person or entity that is sanctioned or included on EBRD’s list of persons or entities ineligible to be awarded an EBRD-financed contract or for EBRD funding (https://www.ebrd.com/ineligible-entities.html) and/or listed on database of all legal and natural persons excluded from EU funding set up by the European Commission under EDES database (https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/eu-budget/how-it-works/annual-lifecycle/implementation/anti-fraud-measures/edes/database_en)
- A sub-loan shall not be made any person or entity for the purpose of financing any of the following:
- production and/or trade of arms or military equipment
- financial institutions or financial services companies
- insurance business
- production of tobacco or hard liquor
- sale of tobacco or hard liquor (other than where the sale of tobacco or hard liquor is ancillary to the entity’s primary business activity)
- casinos or other gambling facilities
- speculative investments in property or currencies or any other speculative investment activities
- investments in securities of any kind, including investments in share capital of other companies
- technologies specifically used for activities in oil and gas production, processing (including refining), transport (transmission and distribution), storage and utilisation to generate electricity (other than for own consumption)
- technologies specifically used for the combustion, transportation or extraction of peat, and carbon intensive fossil fuels such as coal, heating oil or oil shale
- non-renewable fuel-powered boilers, gas infrastructure and equipment
- any activities appearing on the EBRD Environmental and Social Exclusion List as outlined in Appendix 1 or EBRD’s Category A list of projects as outlined in Appendix 2 of the applicable EBRD Environment and Social Policy
- production of single use plastic products for consumer applications (not for medical purposes)
- working capital, except to the extent that such working capital requirement is an integral part of the investment cost of the eligible sub-project
- speculation in property (being investments in real estate solely with the aim of making short or medium term profit on sales)
- purchase of land
- speculation in shares, bonds and any other type of financial instruments, derivatives or securities
- refinancing (or other types of replacement/consolidation) of any existing term loan or credit operations to the sub-borrower
- construction of roads and railways
- extraction of raw material and mining
- manufacture of article of concrete, cement and plaster
- financing of passenger cars, unless otherwise agreed with EBRD and provided that the financed cars are used exclusively for the sub-borrowers’ business activities